Love Does Part 1 of #we will see how many#

“Breathe in thankfulness like you’re chain smoking it; breathe out hope”
-Bob Goff, Love Does

There is nothing too great in this world to keep us from living a life characterized by love. There is no trial too great that God will not walk through it with us. There is no pain to great that God will not heal. There is no devastation too great that God cannot be given glory. 

But how do we recognize and remember this when trial, pain and devastation come? How do we show the Love that the Father has enabled us with to those around us that are enduring trials, pain and devastation? I think we start with thankfulness. 

Gratitude doesn't merely think "thanks". True gratitude is a deep, spirit-rumbling desire to express thanks. The expression is action- love doing. Maybe if we started by counting our blessings, the mountains and molehills of circumstances surrounding our dried out river beds of souls will begin to divide. We have no other options but to look to the clouds on the other side of the mountain and think it'll never rain this side or to be thankful for the shade of the mountain and the fossils easily found on the dried river basins. When I become so thankful my heart brims, it seems like nothing can take it down. We have no other option but to hope. Therefore, I'm proposing we choose the later option. God promises good gifts to those who ask. We may not know the hows, whys, what did I dos, whens to all of the trials, pains, and devastation. A life lived in Love isn't guaranteed answers to those questions, but it is promised His presence... if the Maker of the Universe is willing to endure pain, loss and suffering for me that can be found in the actions of Christ and through His word, then I can surely bank on that. What's the alternative?


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