Friday Musings
This morning I had the pleasure of enjoying time with two friends. Time spent in conversation and accountability is treasured and always in season. As I finish up a silent part of the morning cleaning, some thoughts come to mind worth sharing.
The old Hymn My Hope is Build on Nothing Less has a line that hit the right place today:
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
This has meaning for where I find myself at the moment. Rather than sharing that, consider what it means for you today.
Another thought:
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
Are you really and truly satisfied? Because find myself doing an awful lot to diminish His glory.
Last week I helped with VBS. It was a new experience and I enjoyed getting to know the whole two kids we had in our group. Also, however, that week I learned the timeless value in Bible stories and parables. It isn't just a story to read and know. But when we truly pick them apart, there is so much insight to gain! Here are a couple things said by two class leaders:
“Elijah wasn’t the kind of guy who just prayed once.”
“Elijah didn’t try everything and then decide to pray. He started with prayer and continued to pray.”
The story of how God uses Elijah is pretty impressive in itself. But even the character of a Godly man, like Elijah, can teach us.
Wherever you find yourself this week, I hope you can head into the weekend with your heart before the One who is the First and the Last. Examine your heart. Examine where you stand. Examine who you are in context of who you should be.
The old Hymn My Hope is Build on Nothing Less has a line that hit the right place today:
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
This has meaning for where I find myself at the moment. Rather than sharing that, consider what it means for you today.
Another thought:
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
Are you really and truly satisfied? Because find myself doing an awful lot to diminish His glory.
Last week I helped with VBS. It was a new experience and I enjoyed getting to know the whole two kids we had in our group. Also, however, that week I learned the timeless value in Bible stories and parables. It isn't just a story to read and know. But when we truly pick them apart, there is so much insight to gain! Here are a couple things said by two class leaders:
“Elijah wasn’t the kind of guy who just prayed once.”
“Elijah didn’t try everything and then decide to pray. He started with prayer and continued to pray.”
The story of how God uses Elijah is pretty impressive in itself. But even the character of a Godly man, like Elijah, can teach us.
Wherever you find yourself this week, I hope you can head into the weekend with your heart before the One who is the First and the Last. Examine your heart. Examine where you stand. Examine who you are in context of who you should be.
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