January Book Review

When your Christmas reading list is 5 more books than you can handle, it can be difficult to choose just one to recommend. With careful consideration, January's winners are

Nali by Esther Henry
Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris

Nali was recently released by a good friend of mine. Esther Henry has been an amazing mentor in my life and such an encourager. It didn't start this way. Our friendship has grown from the rocky start 6 years ago when I was a sophomore facing some serious changes. She was hired as my sign language interpreter but it didn't take long before we would spend study halls conversing on deep issues of life, faith and so much more. The wisdom from her experience as a minister’s wife and missionary overseas provided me with much guidance as I transitioned to life as an "adult".

It was to my surprise to learn last year that she had decided to start writing. A sudden urge to create and explain a character from her time in Papua New Guinea turned into a beautiful novel set in the heart of some of the most interesting culture Western readers may stumble upon. This character really hits home with me, but you will have to read more to find out.

In an era of darkness, mystery, tropical jungles and cannibalism, Nali tries to buck the ancient traditions, only to find herself deeply entrenched in them. As a young girl full of dreams, she is given to a tribal elder in marriage and quickly learns that her girlhood dreams could be shattered overnight. Will she be forced to succumb to a subservient role the rest of her life, or can she overcome the hopelessness that comes with forced isolation?

Here is the link for this incredible book. It is part one of a trilogy to be finished this year. http://www.amazon.com/Nali-Esther-Henry/dp/1462874657

Boy Meets Girl is of a much different nature. I went into the book store to buy it with the initial intention of seeing what all the hype was about. I had heard bits and pieces from different people and it sounded a little old school...and maybe a little crazy. But that's the problem when we fail to look at the big picture. So I couldn't dismiss my friends dating philosophies as crazy...or Amish sounding until I read and took their perspective for myself.

A quick read, Boy Meets Girl addresses very important aspects of relationships. Modern Society, at least from my perspective is about finding "The One" and the various "rewards" that come with that: happiness, fun, you fill in the blank. Dating is an exciting, whirlwind game of musical chairs until you get to the last “chair” and eventually settle down. We fail to acknowledge that society’s perspective is more than a game between two sexes; it's playing Roulette with your heart.

As a friend put it, “Harris gives in this book an honest look to relationship and its purpose. He gives his story on how he met his wife Shannon, courted, engaged, and married-- all to the glory of God. He also gives insights through other romantic accounts from other couples who have committed to put God first in their relationship. The book is balanced with biblical principles, practical tips, applicable wisdom, challenging truths, and heartbreaking examples which give guidelines to those who want or will court a person before getting married.”

Boy Meets Girl is profoundly written. My personal understanding of how God designed and loves us only grew as a result of reading. My friends weren’t crazy. The term courtship sounds legalistic, but as Harris describes it, ““…the term courtship…is old-fashioned, but it evokes romance and chivalry. I use it to describe not a set of rules, but that special season in a romance where a man and a woman are seriously weighing the possibility of marriage.” (p.31). Romance coupled with wisdom is worth the wait. This is not a roadmap or the quick fix for any relationship. I recommend it to everyone, at whatever stage they may be ….as a challenge.

This book can be found at http://www.amazon.com/Boy-Meets-Girl-Hello-Courtship/dp/1576737098

Happy Reading!


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